PoEDB, Path of Exile Wiki (2024)

Captured Soul of Merveil, the Returned


The fish-wives of Tsoatha rejoiced loudly as
the Brine King descended into the great abyss,
making merry while his blasphemous offspring
slithered 'neath the icy waters...Merveil's Wedding Dress


"Let's just hope she wasn't wearing it when she wandered into the sea!"Ranger6


Your love for a man... that's what did this to you, Merveil.Duelist5


We stand at death's door. Ladies first, fair Merveil.Shadow49


Oh, can you sing one for me too, Merveil? Something upbeat, please.Merveil's Caverns


The air needles the skin with its frigid fury.NessaOnMerveil


Merveil dwells in the caves beyond the wrecks, at the head of Siren's Cove.

Leave her be and we can only hope that she continues to return the favour.



If you must take your chances with the Siren, then have this. It may be of some help.

But please, know that you don't have to do this. Tarkleigh and I are getting used to having you around.



I thought you were a fool for seeking out Merveil. A fool in love with death. Now... I don't know.

Still, you've delivered this coast from the terrors that long held sway here. We may now find some respite and that's more than any of us could have hoped for.

But please... consider this. What have you become when even nightmares fear you?



If you have to quench your curiosity about Merveil, go look at the corsairs that haunt the grave of ships. Like any mother, Merveil's got hungry mouths to feed.TarkleighMerveilDead


Damn me! I didn't think it possible. All these souls Merveil and her brood have consumed over the years... you've done right by those that are dead, and by those who still might live.BestelMerveilDead


Quite the lady killer, aren't you? That singing squid didn't stand a chance. Knew it, from the first time I saw those sharp peepers of yours.

Pirates notwithstanding, I thank you on behalf of all the fallen brethren of the waves. Now that the final cadence has been played, no one need remember Merveil's song.



Siren's Cove belongs to Merveil.

Those butchering buccaneers sailed off that way, the ones that plundered my poor Merry Gull. T'would be poetic justice if they'd stopped off for a sing-a-long with Merveil's lovely daughters on their way home.



I gave away my heart... on the promise of a lie... I gave away my love for nothing.MerveilEnterAnger


I wait for his return... Daresso. I wait... a good wife.MerveilExitWrath


I am so cold and lonely. Embrace me.MerveilExitAnger


At last. I have so much I wish to share with you.MerveilStartFight


This is love's true face!MerveilGlyph2


Daresso gave me the gem, kissed me, promised that he would be by my side forever. I sang for him. I sang for Oriath with his gem at my throat. Kalisa's gem. Kalisa's voice.

I sang in her echo, performing arias that had once made the Empire weep. I listened to Kalisa's lullabies in my dreams. I gave myself to her music. Mind... and body.

Daresso left me, for Sarn, with a promise to free me from Kalisa. I begged him not to go. Tried to show him the wonder of my transformation, the beautiful daughters he would soon meet. He couldn't see. None of them could see. I fled from their hatred.

When Daresso returns I will cast his cure away. I will teach him what true love is.



Welcome, husband. We knew in our hearts that you would find us. Come, Daresso, Ambrosia and Amarissa must meet their father. Come, my love. Return to your family.FairgravesOnMerveil


My loveliest neighbour in this most salubrious of neighbourhoods. Facing Merveil and finding my Allflame are two mutually exclusive endeavours. I'd much prefer you to live to see your errand fulfilled.

Although, it is possible that my wayward slave girl fell prey to one of Merveil's slithering progeny. If that be the case, you look resourceful enough to handle a tentacled wench or two. But if Merveil herself has my flame, be very wary. That necklace of hers provides the old siren with some subtle wiles indeed.



If the history books are to be believed, Daresso the Daring presented the necklace to Merveil on bended knee. And from the moment he placed that little chunk of Wraeclast at her throat, Merveil began to sing. It's told her sweet voice grew to fill even the largest concert halls of Oriath, and brought warmth to even the coldest of hearts.

But then she began to change. Her mind and body twisted, as did her songs. The sweetness remained while the sanity fled. Knowing what little I do about the powers that lie dormant here in Wraeclast, I'd surmise that if you have Merveil's necklace, you have the Siren's voice.



At age thirteen, carving knife in hand, I killed beasts for the amusem*nt of the filthy. At fifteen, they thought me worthy to fight a fellow man.

A butcher he was, twice as big and twice as stupid as I. I butchered the butcher and many like him, earned my way, kill by kill, out of the offal pit and into the Grand Arena.

I thought I would find wealth and glory in the arena. I was wrong. I found something far more precious. My Lady Merveil.



I knelt in the sand of the Grand Arena, awaiting the killing blow. I raised my eyes to look upon my death.

Instead, I saw her. Merveil. Her beautiful eyes met mine, and I knew that she saw me too. I turned my opponent's strike and killed the man with his own dagger.

Fighting had always been about survival. The primal instinct to kill or be killed. Now the fight became about something else. Love.



The previous King of Swords was a giant of a man, both faster and stronger than I. Yet I needed only look up at my Lady Merveil to know that I had no choice. I could not die this day.

I made him shiver under every parry, striking with all my might, so that my arms felt they might snap with every impact. All the while, I studied his face, watching for that moment when he began to doubt. It took an hour, but finally it was there.

Burning with pain, empty with exhaustion, I stepped inside his faltering swing and I slit the giant's throat.

I did not take my victory bow. I knelt in the sand, looked to Merveil, and cried out for my Lady's hand in marriage.

From that day forth, I wore the Crown of Swords upon my head and a ring of eternal love upon my finger.



Petarus: Daresso? He's down there, inside the mountain?

Vanja: Are we talking about {the} Daresso? The Sword King?

Petarus: Seems like it. But... how did he get in there? He left Oriath about a century and a half ago, hoping to find a cure for his lady, Merveil. He would have had to fight his way through the Maraketh, but... Oyun's never mentioned anything of the sort.

Vanja: Maybe he didn't go in alive.

Petarus: What do you mean?

Vanja: We live in a land where the dead walk and {things} like Dialla live for centuries.

Petarus: You think he died somewhere else and then the Beast got hold of him?

Vanja: Could be.

Petarus: Well, if the Beast can do that, then... what bloody good was Deshret's Seal?

Vanja: Exactly.



Welcome to the Grand Arena of Theopolis. It is here that I first laid eyes upon my true purpose, my lady Merveil. It is our inspiration that defines us. What do you fight for, Gladiator? Hundreds of warriors tried to lay claim to the same title as I, but I defeated them all. Victory goes not to the able, but to the ambitious.DaressoDeath


Sing for me, Merveil. Sing of glory and love...LillyOnBlackFlag


You've got the Black Flag from me grandfather's ship? Ah, the Black Crest were the most formidable ship to ever sail the seas. Yet now it's a hulk of rotted wood and bone, mouldering away in that forsaken graveyard.

But why is it there? You don't think that Merveil... Never! I won't even think it. No Roth would ever fall victim to that tentacled sea-hag. Weylam must be out there somewhere. Yeah, a castaway, that's it.

For now, you'll be after safe passage to the Brine King's Reef. And there ain't no ship going to get you there faster than the Black Crest. So, as the only Roth present and accounted for right now, I hereby give you permission to burn that flag in the Beacon. Might as well see if there's some truth in that old legend about it resurrecting the wrecks of Roths past... and, other less notable vessels.

Maybe when this is all done, I'll take back the Black Crest for meself and sail out in search of me grandfather. He's too hardy an old barnacle to kill, so he'll be out there, somewhere.



The Black Crest, she lives again! And me granddaddy... still can't believe Merveil did that to him, the bilesome bitch! At least his spirit roams free once again. Wonder if he'll come and visit his favourite granddaughter one more time...

Anyways, with the Brine King gone, you've done a fine thing for us seafarers. The waters won't no longer pander to the whim of an overgrown bloody crustacean, and damn me if I don't feel a stirring in me loins. It's the ocean, calling... like a lust-starved lover.

But for now, bugger it all, I'll be sticking about Lioneye's Watch until I get me a new ship. Nah, don't feel sorry for me. With me womanly wiles as sharp they are, I'll be having Tarkleigh help me pass the time, just you see.



You'll not find a more renowned pirate as Weylam 'Rot Tooth' Roth. In times when Fairgraves was still a whelp earning his sea legs, Rot-tooth was prowling the Strait of Oriath in his ship, the 'Black Crest'.

It's said he build it hisself, lining its hull with the bones of some great sea beast he slew with nothing but a harpoon and a bottle o' rum. Never was there a more nimble, more ferocious vessel. Like that leviathan's spirit still lived and breathed in its timbers.

No one's sighted Rot Tooth for twenty years or more, but I know where the Black Crest is. The Ship Graveyard, no less. Seems that Weylam Roth might have had his last meal with Lady Merveil.



You do know it's cruel to make jests of an addled mind, don't you? Nessa alive, and turned into a bloody cod? Hah! That said, you've never been wrong before so seems like I'm going to have to stare this fanciful tale in its fishy face.

She talked of the Brine King, did she? Now there's a name what can trouble the breeches off even the most jaded of poets. Though Merveil might be dead, the sea still has its seductive songs, and this time it's a big, briny baritone doing the wailing.



You've seen Nessa? Talked to her? That's more than I had dared hope for, truth be told.

This... change... she's going through, this curse the so-called 'Brine King' has put on her... it can be broken. I know it!

You've got to keep going, follow her trail before it gets any colder. Make your way along the Coast, the Ship Graveyard, even Merveil's Cave if you must.

By my reckoning, this King's not the sort to venture far from his briny bed.



The Ship Graveyard's blocked off? Dammit... that means that Brine King bastard knows you're coming after Nessa.

In that case, you'll have to pass through Prisoner's Gate, follow the mountains, and make your way back to the sea by way of Merveil's Caverns.

From the sound of it, Nessa's in no condition to venture far from the coast, so she has to be around there somewhere.



I'd hoped for a chance to see Nessa again, dreamed it like some poor bloody child believing in fairytales.

No, she's not one of us anymore, but at least she's not like Merveil either. Can't overlook a mercy like that. Who knows, perhaps Nessa is better off this way. Not like this is much of a home to come back to, anyway.

Look, I know you did what you could, and for that, you'll always have my thanks.



What are you doing?! God drag you to damnation if you're going to stand by and let this happen to me! To us! Because believe me, the Brine King has far greater appetites than one nothing of a girl from Oriath. It doesn't matter what he'll do to me now... it's what he'll do to Wraeclast. Yet there's hope. There's always hope... if only you can reach Merveil's cave. If only...NessaMermaidMerveilsCaverns


The Brine King... his time has almost come. Then hope will be... I will be gone. Please... take the Black Flag. It once fluttered from the mast of the Black Crest, Weylam Roth's ship. Throw it into the flames of the Beacon. It's your only chance of reaching me, of turning this tide. The King can't keep secrets like this from me any longer. It's just... the way of things. Find me, please, before...WeylamOnMerveil


It's a bit of an embarrassing affair, truth be told.

Thought I could return to the golden days, you know? Be a terror of the high seas like in me youth. Problem was, they'd all forgotten me. Those young blighters sailing about, they had no clue who I even were! Figured if I could complete another great feat, like slaying that sea-bitch Merveil, maybe that'd earn me my respect back.

Arr, suppose I don't need to tell you; that girlie's stronger than she looks. All it took were one slip of the old hands and next I knew, the Black Crest were wrecked against the coast and I'm getting meself eaten alive by that hag.

Peeled each separate muscle from my bones, she did. I'll tell you, it weren't pretty.



Was that Merveil? That poor woman. Somewhere within her monstrous form lived the woman she once was. What a terrible curse.TullinaContractOne


Look, as a rule I don't ask for help. I don't need someone getting involved in my business and messing everything up. Unfortunately, I must now break that rule. I need... I-... Ugh. Why is this so hard? Ineedyourhelp. There. I said it.

Before I was exiled, I was romantically involved with a man from a very good family. We kept it secret while he tested the waters with his mother and father -- it's not exactly ideal for the nobility to be fraternising with the 'uncouth', as they say. Less than a week before I was heaved overboard and my exile began in earnest, he proposed.

I know it's crazy, and I know it's almost certainly impossible, but I want so desperately to marry that man. Just taking his name would wash clean my past, and I know I could find happiness.

So I need a dress. When Merveil and Daresso wed, they held a most elaborate ceremony. Merveil was said to be the most beautiful visage ever to walk down the Basilica aisle. It took six people to carry the train on her dress. I want that dress. I need that dress. My beloved deserves to see me in that dress. So you're going to help me get it, got it?



The Lady Merveil's dress is even more beautiful than I'd imagined. It's held up well over the years, and fits nearly perfectly.

I appreciate your help on this matter. I'll add you to our invitees. No plus-ones.



So... it's done. We're done. I feel... absolutely awful, actually. But I also feel lighter. He will no doubt grieve for a long time, and will, of course, never find another woman that meets the lofty bar I set, but he will meet someone eventually. He will fall in love. He will propose to her. She will be delighted. They will marry and start a family, and they will have their happy ending. It was the right thing to do, for both of us.

Thank you for your help, and your discretion. I'm keeping that dress, by the way. Lady Merveil's? That's mine now.



Hey good lookin'. Huh. Most people recognise me. I'm Gianna. Worked a spell in the Chitus Theatre, back when you could leave your house without being followed by Templar secret police. I was Shavronne in {An Axiom Tragedy}. I played Dialla, the Gemling Queen, in {Purity Tales}, and the fair lady Merveil in {Daresso and Merveil}, for which I was very nearly nominated to receive a 'Tario.

No? Not a fan of the theatre, I suppose? That's-... That's fine. That act of my story has drawn to a close anyway, but I'm always looking for the next great role. Nothing's quite so thrilling as immersing oneself among the people, and seeing if you can, in fact, pass for the real deal.







Joy. Song!MavenTier2MerveilFightComment2


Joy. Song...MavenTier2MerveilFightComment3


Joy! Song.MavenTier3MerveilFightCommentRandom


Sad song...MavenTier3MerveilFightComment2


Sad song...MavenTier3MerveilFightComment3


Sad song...MavenTier4MerveilFightCommentRandom


Beautiful song...MavenTier4MerveilFightComment2


Beautiful song...MavenTier4MerveilFightComment3


Beautiful song...MavenTier5MerveilFightCommentRandom


Her song makes me feel strange...MavenTier5MerveilFightComment2


Her song makes me feel strange...MavenTier5MerveilFightComment3


Her song makes me feel strange...CadiroOnStarOfWraeclast


Ah, The Star of Wraeclast. Daresso gave that necklace to Merveil as a token of his love, and her voice became melodic and pleasing to the ear. Little did he know that it would turn her mind and body into something truly grotesque, ultimately mutating her into a hideous siren – and so Daresso left her, and she pined for the love she'd lost, and fed sailors to her offspring.CadiroOnKalisasGrace


That's a rather elegant pair of gloves. Kalisa's Grace, if I'm not mistaken. Kalisa Maas, the Prima Donna of Sarn, was the finest opera singer in all of Wraeclast, partly due to the corrupted gem that was implanted in her throat. That very same gem was later set into the Star of Wraeclast – the necklace that transformed Merveil into a monster.
PoEDB, Path of Exile Wiki (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.