VI-NeRF-SLAM: a real-time visual–inertial SLAM with NeRF mapping (2024)


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  • DaoQing Liao of Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China of Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

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  • Wei Ai of Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China of Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

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Journal of Real-Time Image ProcessingVolume 21Issue 2Apr 2024

Published:09 February 2024Publication History

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Journal of Real-Time Image Processing

Volume 21, Issue 2


VI-NeRF-SLAM: a real-time visual–inertial SLAM with NeRF mapping (1)

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In numerous robotic and autonomous driving tasks, traditional visual SLAM algorithms estimate the camera’s position in a scene through sparse feature points and express the map by estimating the depth of sparse point clouds. However, practical applications require SLAM to create dense maps in real time, overcoming the sparsity and occlusion issues of point clouds. Furthermore, it is advantageous for SLAM map to possess an auto-completion capability, where the map can automatically infer and complete the remaining 20% when the camera observes only 80% of an object. Therefore, a more dense and intelligent map representation is needed. In this paper, we propose a Visual–Inertial SLAM with Neural Radiance Fields reconstruction to address the aforementioned challenges. We integrate the traditional rule-based optimization with NeRF. This approach allows for the real-time update of NeRF local functions by rapidly estimating camera motion and sparse feature point depths to reconstruct 3D scenes. To achieve better camera poses and globally consistent map, we address the issue of IMU noise spikes resulting from rapid motion changes, along with handling pose adjustments due to loop closure fusion. Specifically, we employ a form of widening the static noise covariance to refit the dynamic noise covariance. During loop closure fusion, we treat the pose adjustment between pre- and post-loop closure as a spatiotemporal transformation, migrating NeRF parameters from pre- to post- to expedite loop closure adjustments in NeRF mapping. Moreover, we extend this method to scenarios with only grayscale images. By expanding the color channels of grayscale images and conducting linear spatial mapping, we can rapidly reconstruct 3D scenes with only grayscale images. We demonstrate the precision and speed advantages of our method in both RGB and grayscale scenes.


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      VI-NeRF-SLAM: a real-time visual–inertial SLAM with NeRF mapping (63)

      Journal of Real-Time Image Processing Volume 21, Issue 2

      Apr 2024

      529 pages


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          Berlin, Heidelberg

          Publication History

          • Published: 9 February 2024
          • Accepted: 30 December 2023
          • Received: 5 December 2023

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          • NeRF
          • SLAM
          • Intelligent map
          • Real-time online algorithm


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          • VI-NeRF-SLAM: a real-time visual–inertial SLAM with NeRF mapping (64)

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