What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 30, 2024

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Investor relations (IR) is the process of communicating with potential and existing investors, such as venture capitalists (VCs), angel investors, or crowdfunding platforms. IR is crucial for startups and scale-ups that need to raise funds, build trust, and share their vision. But how do you create an effective IR strategy from scratch? Here are some tips to help you.

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  • Jenny Fielding Co-founder + Managing Partner at Everywhere Ventures 🚀🚀🚀

    What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (3) What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (4) What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (5) 39

  • Erika Lucas CEO StitchCrew and General Partner VEST Her Ventures | Investing in women-led companies building solutions for the…

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What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (11) What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (12) What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (13)

1 Know your audience

Before you reach out to any investor, you need to do your homework and understand their profile, preferences, and goals. What are their investment criteria, focus areas, and deal sizes? What are their expectations, questions, and concerns? How do they like to be contacted and updated? By knowing your audience, you can tailor your pitch, materials, and messages to their needs and interests.

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  • Erika Lucas CEO StitchCrew and General Partner VEST Her Ventures | Investing in women-led companies building solutions for the intersection of the Care Economy and Future of Work | LinkedIn Top Voice Entrepreneurship
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    Yes, do as much due diligence as you can going in to make sure you are not wasting your time pitching investors that are not a good fit for what you are building. — Once you identify those investors develop a good comms rapport. Open and consistent communication is key for investors to see your work ethic, progress and communication style — that’s also how you get them to trust you. Have a set cadence for how you will communicate and hold yourself accountable to it. Share key metrics, wins, exciting opportunities but also challenges you are experiencing — and don’t forget to ask for help. I really appreciate founders who share challenges upfront so we can help if needed, but most importantly so we are not caught off guard.


    What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (22) 7

  • Vladimir Pushmin Co-Founder @ Raiz | Fundraising with founders | Enjoying business development
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    When it comes to investor outreach, it is essential to do a proper fund analysis and people you are reaching out to. The reasoning comes from properly filtering out the investors according to your geography, stage, industry, ticket size and VC’s relevant investments. Also, funds typically have multiple investment verticals, so it is important to find people that are dealing in the field the startup in, otherwise, you waste yours and VC’s time. To spend your time efficiently, invest time in funds analysis, aim at taking 20-30% of funds from the total pipeline that appears on Crunchbase (with all the necessary filtering), then find the right people and customise your outreach to each fund. Do not go into unethical spray and pray approach.


    What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (31) 5

  • Genia Xasis, PhD Fundraising advisor to seed/series A tech companies
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    I prefer to automate outreach and use very wide audience, one and the same message for everyone. Let’s say you need to add all healthcare investors. You go to crunchbase, download all healthcare VCs in certain location and using the same outreach message like: “Hi, I know you are very passionate about healthcare, just like me. Let’s find way to add value to each others businesses”. You always work just with those who connected you right? If you do this job manually, adding one by one, you might not have connections in weeks. If you automate it with software and send 30 messages per day to people from a list, in two days you’ll have your first replies. After that you can figure out if they are relevant or not.


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2 Craft your story

Your story is what sets you apart from other startups and showcases your value proposition, traction, and potential. Your story should be clear, compelling, and consistent across all your IR channels, such as your website, pitch deck, executive summary, and social media. Your story should also highlight your team, your market opportunity, your competitive advantage, and your financial projections.

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  • Wojciech Drewczyński VC. Top Voice. I help founders from pre-seed to exit. On a mission to fuel the next generation of startup heroes -> Let’s build the next big thing together
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    Want to get VC funding? First, you must convince investors that you're a company of the future, not the past.Companies of the future understand the past and are familiar with companies in that area before them. They can also analyze failures and learn lessons so they won't be in such a situation. Moreover, they can pick or create markets with high growth potential. Last but not least, thanks to technology and business model, they are scaling their company impact exponentially.


    What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (49) 4

  • Dr. Deepak Motwani
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    A compelling and relatable story can wield a magical influence in the early stages of your entrepreneurial journey. Numerous instances exist where founders secured their first round of investment solely based on a well-communicated story that resonated with investors. Therefore, possessing a robust narrative, coupled with a grand vision to create a significant global impact by addressing a genuine problem, can work wonders for you. Additionally, incorporating key figures like TAM, SAM, and SOM in your story will provide an added advantage.


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3 Build relationships

IR is not a one-time event, but a long-term process of building and maintaining relationships with investors. You need to be proactive, responsive, and transparent in your communication with them. You need to provide regular updates on your progress, achievements, and challenges. You need to seek feedback, advice, and referrals from them. You need to show them that you are trustworthy, reliable, and committed to your vision.

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  • Jenny Fielding Co-founder + Managing Partner at Everywhere Ventures 🚀🚀🚀
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    The best founders I know raise funding in-between rounds. What I mean by this is that founders who keep an appropriate group of potential investors in the mix (light touch check-ins or written investor updates) are doing pre-marketing between rounds. Then, when the startup is officially ready to open the round, investors are prepped and ready to go (and some may have already tried to pre-empt).


    What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (67) What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (68) What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (69) 39

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    I believe in the power of seeking referrals from investors, as they often have extensive networks that can open up new opportunities. Ultimately, showing commitment to the vision and demonstrating reliability are key to fostering strong, long-term relationships with investors


    What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (78) What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (79) 3

  • Alain D. CFO at Soliyarn
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    Investors want a few things other than returns and they all revolve around emotional intelligence. Communication, truthfulness and transparency. If you can do those three things you will develop relationships that will follow you throughout your career and potentially fund your next idea/startup.


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4 Track and measure

To evaluate and improve your IR strategy, you need to track and measure your performance and results. You need to use tools and metrics that help you monitor and analyze your IR activities, such as your outreach, engagement, conversion, and retention rates. You need to identify and address any gaps, issues, or opportunities in your IR process. You need to learn from your successes and failures and adapt accordingly.

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  • Gbite Oduneye Founding Partner @ ODBA | Venture Builder | Adviser | Investor | Capital Markets | Innovation
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    Put great systems in place to always give you an overview of all your encounters with investors. Ensure you don't overlook opportunities by neglecting follow-ups. Stay connected with contacts, especially high-quality ones who may have gone silent. Leverage a dependable CRM system for effective lead management—your success hinges on your ability to track and stay engaged.


    What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (97) 6

  • Sabrina Paseman General Partner @ Omni Venture Labs
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    You must master the art of the follow-up. Everyone is busy, everyone is doing their darn best to keep up with everything that's happening, but inevitably there will be that one email that falls through the cracks and the opportunity is lost. Don't let that be the reason why you fail! Keep creating touch points and sending traction emails to everyone on your list, especially the ones that were really high quality but mysteriously have gone cold. Use a solid CRM process to make sure none of these high quality leads fall by the wayside. Your ability to track your process can make or break your success here.


    What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (106) 3


5 Leverage technology

Technology can help you streamline and optimize your IR strategy by automating, integrating, and enhancing your IR tasks and functions. You can use technology to create and distribute your IR materials, such as pitch decks, newsletters, or webinars. You can use technology to manage and nurture your IR contacts, such as CRM systems, email marketing, or chatbots. You can use technology to collect and analyze your IR data, such as analytics, dashboards, or surveys.

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  • Chandrashekhar Singh Mourya, PMP®, CSM® 𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐂𝐒𝐌, 𝐂𝐗 | 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 | 𝐁𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭!
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    In the realm of IT, particularly within the burgeoning metaverse software development sector, leveraging technology in investor relations (IR) is not just a convenience but a strategic imperative. By automating and integrating IR tasks, we can ensure that our pitch decks and newsletters resonate with the immersive experiences we aim to create. Moreover, utilizing CRM systems and analytics allows us to maintain a pulse on investor engagement and sentiment, fostering relationships that are not only built on financial prospects but also on shared values of inclusivity and fair opportunity.


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6 Explore alternatives

While VCs and angel investors are the most common sources of funding for startups, they are not the only ones. You can also explore alternative sources of funding that may suit your needs and goals better, such as grants, loans, bootstrapping, or revenue-sharing agreements. You can also look for non-financial support from other stakeholders, such as mentors, partners, customers, or media. By diversifying your IR strategy, you can increase your chances of success and sustainability.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    As a VC, I emphasize the importance of strategic alignment in building investor relations. Startups should not only attract investors but also seek those whose goals and values align with the company's. It is crucial for entrepreneurs to understand not just the capital they are seeking but also the added value each investor can bring, whether in the form of industry expertise, networking, or strategic support. Therefore, the selection and engagement of investors should be a thoughtful process, going beyond financial capital and focusing on developing long-term partnerships that can drive sustainable growth and innovation for the startup.


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    Como um VC, enfatizo a importância da alinhamento estratégico na construção de relações com investidores. Startups devem não apenas atrair investidores, mas também buscar aqueles cujos objetivos e valores estejam alinhados com os da empresa. É crucial que os empreendedores compreendam não só o capital que estão buscando, mas também o valor agregado que cada investidor pode trazer, seja em forma de experiência no setor, redes de contato ou apoio estratégico. Portanto, a seleção e o engajamento de investidores devem ser um processo pensado, indo além do capital financeiro e focando no desenvolvimento de parcerias de longo prazo que possam impulsionar o crescimento sustentável e inovação da startup.



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  • Vakeesan Mahalingam, CFA Principal Consultant @ Chimba Consulting Group | Strategy, Advisory, Partnerships, Startups | Web3 | AI
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    One thing that's helpful: Win ocer the junior analysts and interns via cold outreach on LinkedIn They are the initial gatekeepers for the VC funds so make sure you reach and impress a junior, who will fight for you internally with the partners Especially if starting cold


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What are the best ways to build an investor relations strategy from scratch? (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.