The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)

to to to 2A The Cedar Rapids Gazette: Sept. 11, 1968 Primary Roundup: Barry's Foe Chosen; Aiken Wins; New La Follette in Wisconsin By The Associated Press Arizona Democrats have selected Barry Goldwater's senate race opponent and veteran Republican Senator George Aiken of Vermont is all but re-elected after nine state primaries that heavily favored incumbents. Goldwater's November opponent is Roy Elson, longtime, aide to Senator Carl Hayden (D- Ariz.) who is retiring after 56 years in congress. Elson beat two Democratic rivals Tuesday; Goldwater, the 1964 G.O.P. presidential nominee, was unopposed.

Both Sides Aiken, dean of senate Republicans and a Vietnam policy critic, won not only the G.O.P. nomination in Vermont to succeed himself, but the Democratic nomination as well on write-in votes. In Wisconsin, Atty. Bronson La Follette of the politically famous family easily won the Democratic gubernatorial nomination to face incumbent G.O.P. Warren Knowles in November.

The other primaries Colorado, Minnesota, Utah, Maryland, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Two former Wisconsin Democratic congressmen who were ousted by Republicans in 1966 won nominations for rematches. Lynn Stalbaum won a comeback try against incumbent Rep. Henry Schadeberg and John Race won one against incumbent Rep. William Steiger.

No Upsets All 10 Wisconsin congressmen, and Sen. Gaylord Nelson who was unopposed won renominations. In the Arizona gubernatorial race, former governor Sam Goddard won a three- -way Democratic race and now faces incumbent Republican Gov. Jack Williams who was unopposed. In the Vermont gubernatorial ---City race, Deane Davis won the Republican nomination to oppose Democratic Lt.

Gov. John Daley. Former Colorado Gov. Steve McNichols, in a political comeback, won the Democratic nomination to challenge incumbent Republican Senator Peter Dominick, who was unopposed. Clean Sweep All eight Minnesota U.S.

representatives came through their renomination" bids unscathed. Only Reps. Donald Fraser and John Blatnik had primary opposition. Utah Atty. Gen.

Phil Hansen and state Development Director Milton Weilenmann traded leads in a race undecided as vote counting continued Wednesday for the Democratic nomination to oppose incumbent G.O.P. Senator Wallace Bennett. In Maryland, Rep. Charles McMathias breezed to the Republican nomination to oppose incumbent Democratic Senator Daniel Brewster, also an easy winner. The other seven of Maryland's U.S.

representatives unofficially Boy, 13, Admits Setting Fires at Two Houses Police youth bureau officers said Wednesday that a 13-yearold boy had admitted setting fire to a house in southwest Cedar Rapids last Saturday. Officers said the boy told them he was "just mad," when he set a fire at 718 Ninth avenue SW. Police extinguished the fire, which had been set with gasoline and matches. The boy had also made an attempt to set fire to a house porch at 815 Eighth street SW, officers said. Both incidents occurred Saturday.

Investigation is continuing. The boy was referred to juvenile court authorities and released. ---City Briefs-- Hiawatha Optimists Meeting tonight at 6:30 at the youth center. Managerial position open. One hairdresser needed.

362-2316. Adv. Coin Club The Cedar Rapids Coin club will meet Wednesday at 7:30 in room 109 at the YWCA. Pat (Hall) Anderson invites all old and' new customers to Koudsi's, 3005 Johnson Ave. Now open for business, Cafe Shiloh, 5505 Center Point Road NE.

Private dining room available. Mother Dies Mrs. T. J. Wilkinson, 1023 Eighteenth street SW, has received word of the death of her mother, Mary Lusk, Tuesday at Moberly, Mo.

Beautician wanted: Mr. Williams Hair Styling Salon. 363- Tools Taken -Tools valued at $210 were stolen from a pickup truck parked at his home, according to a report filed with police by J. William Jilovec, 3015 Bever avenue SE. We wish to thank everyone for their kindness and sympathy in the recent loss of our son and brother in Vietnam.

Family of Corp. Kurt P. Adv. Charged--Larry T. Buck, 19, of 616 Tenth avenue SE, was arrested Tuesday evening on a warant charging driving while his license was under suspension.

He posted $110 bond and was released from the city jail. Jubilee cafe now open. Serving noon special 85c at Jubilee Bowling Reports Theft Charles N. Sedore, of 172 Harbet avenue NW, reported to police that a revolver, watch, binoculars, 20 record albums, two men's suits. five.

neckties and three shirts were stolen from him. Permanent wave special, regular $10 wave, $8.50 complete, now through. Sept. 21st. Kay's Shoppe, Montrose hotel.

362- by 5743. -Adv. Today's Columnists Editorial David Lawrence 6A. Russell Baker. William S.

White Women Abby Van Buren Polly Cramer 13B. Bob Considine The Jacobys Financial Sylvia Porter 5C. Sam Shulsky John Cunniff 6B. General Mort Reed (coins) Stamps Inez Robb 15C. Entertainment Rick DuBrow (TV) 8B.

Leonard Lyons Sports Gus Schrader 1D. Jack Ogden (Preps) Don Walton (Bowling) Farm Rex Conn's 'What's What' Humor Art Buchwald picture page. Drag River for Palo Man, 24 Dragging operations were begun in the Cedar river near the Chain Lakes bridge Wednesday morning for the body of a 24-year-old Palo man, who was presumed drowned. Sheriff Walter Grant said Carl Appleby was taken by a member of his family to go fishing at the bridge about 8 a.m. When the family member returned at about 9 a.m.

Appleby's clothes were found, but he was not there. Hearing Oct. 2 On Ordinance for Building Motels The Cedar Rapids city council Wednesday placed on file a proposed ordinance requiring B- 2 (commercial district) zoning for development of motels and setting forth parking lot requirements for motels. The public hearing on the ordinance is set for Oct. 2.

The ordinance would prohibit the establishment areas zoned B-1 (neighborhood shopping). It would require that a minimum of one off-street parking space be provided on the same lot for each motel bedroom and for each manager's office. An additional parking space is to be provided for each 100 square feet of dining and banquet facilities. Five Bids Above Estimates Special to The Gazette, VINTON The city council Tuesday night received five bids I on a new fire station, all above the architect's estimate for the project. The apparent low bid was $55,251 from Youngblut Construction of Washburn.

The council took all bids under advisem*nt. The council was told that George Milligan of Green Engineering in Cedar Rapids will make a preliminary paving study. A representative from Green Engineering will also make a study of the effect of low river flow on the sewage plant. The study will include the lift station, possible sion of the outfall line and a trickling filter to the plant. Final payment of $70,810.49 for storm sewer work was made to Bovia Gravel and Excavation of Nashua.

Mrs. Louis Mooney Writes to Council The Cedar Rapids city council Wednesday received a not letter from Mrs. Louis Mooney, 1710 First avenue NE, who is petitioning for enactment of a cat confinement ordinance. Mrs. Mooney listed eight Midwest cities and towns which reportedly have cat and dog laws.

The city legal department currently is checking to see what other cities have done regarding cat regulations. Mails $115,173 In Tax Refund Checks Twice DES MOINES (AP) State Auditor Lloyd Smith said Tuesday he's assigned two staff members to make certain the Iowa motor vehicle fuel tax division makes recovery of duplicate tax refund checks mailed claimants in the state. The duplicates, 3,061 of them, were mistakenly mailed after I preparation by the cessing division of State Comptroller Marvin 'Selden's office, Smith said. Smith said the department of revenue has issued stop payment notices on the warrants for refund duplicate totaling $115,173. "It was our error.

Not a one, of the warrants has been cashed," said Selden, who added that the mistakes will cost about $400 to $500 in postage and computer time. He said a corrective crosschecking system has been grammed into the computer so the mistakes "won't happen The gas tax payment list run through the computers in three days by data-processing personnel, Selden said. Tickal Withdraws Rezoning Petition Prior to Denial RJT, Richard Tickal president, Wednesday withdrew a petition for rezoning from R-3 to R-4 at 226, 234 and 242 fourth street drive SE. The withdrawal was made while the Cedar Rapids city council was preparing a resolution denying the change. The proposal to build an apartment building at the location in question encountered opposition both at the city plan-, ning commission meeting Aug.

6 and at the public hearing called by the city council last WedI nesday. The planning commission had recommended approval of the rezoning request. In other action Wednesday, the council denied two rezoning requests which the planning commission had recommended for denial. The requests and the petitioners were: R-1 to B-1 in the 3200 block of avenue NW, Jedlicka and the Electrical Workers building, and R-1 to M-1 north of Blairs Ferry road east of avenue NE, Continental Investment Corp. Record Turnout In Norway Vote Special to The Gazette NORWAY A record 680 voters turned out in Monday's school board election, apparently because of the recent controversy over lighting of the school's baseball field.

The incumbents, Verne Miller and Wallace Brecht were reelected. Miller received 432 votes; Brecht, 409 votes. Defeated were John Brownlie, 252, and Francis Wodstrehill, 246. Prentis Folvag was re-elected treasurer without opposition. SAVE 75 WAYS August Jobless At 17-Year Low won renomination but Democratic Rep.

George was a photo-finish margin of less than 1,000 votes. Incumbent Wins Rhode Island Democratic Rep. Fernand St. Germain won renomination and now faces Republican challenger Lincoln Almond, a town administrator. In New Hampshire, incumbent Republican Senator Norris Cotton crushed an opponent and now takes on Democratic Gov.

John King. House Speaker Walter Peterson won the G.O.P. gubernatorial nomination; the Democrats picked Emile Brassiere, a county attorney. David Hoeh, involved in a row with police at the Democratic national convention over use of a credential-checking machine, won a spot against, incumbent G.O.P. Rep.

Cleveland. Riley Criticizes Move To Delay U.S. Road Funds Tom Riley, Republican candidate for Second district congressman, Wednesday criticized the U.S. Department of Transportation's plans to hold up state requests for federal help in building highways until December. The department termed it an economy move.

"As concerned as we all are about government spending, highway safety is the wrong place to practice economy," Riley said Wednesday. "With $100 million being spent each year to send out government press releases and millions of dollars being poured down the drain in poorly-administered poverty programs, the federal government can find better places to begin saving Riley pointed out that if the federal government saves $200 million by this action, "it could cost the states that much in delays in letting contracts and increased construction costs due to inflation. "Furthermore, Iowa highway commission officials inform me that the deferral of funds could halt highway projects for at least a year since in some cases I projects will be delayed through another construction season." Riley called the decision to cut highway funds "another example of the drastic need for congress to set national priorities in Riley' said he is contacting members of the Iowa Congressional delegation to seek reconsideration of the decision to cut federal highway funds. Council Plans Hearings Oct. 2 On Rezoning The Cedar Rapids city council Wednesday set Oct.

2 as the hearing date for six rezoning proposals. The proposals and their petitioners are: R-3 to B-2 at Sixteenth avenue and Hamilton street SW, Wayne and Margaret Short; R-1 to R-3 at 2606 First avenue NW, Glen and Patricia Lester; R-1 to Industrial park and R-3G along Blairs Ferry road west of Addison street NE, Grace Jones and Terry Bjornsen; R-2 to R- 3G along Fortieth street NE west of First avenue, Iowa Builders Finance, special permit in R-4 at 1015 Old Marion road NE, Eva Evans; and R-1 to M-1 north of Collins NE east of Collins Radio Co. Water Report for August Is Filed A total of 528,650,000 gallons of water was pumped at the Cedar Rapids water department during August, according to the monthly report of George S. Lee, water department superintendent. This was an average of 17,053,000 gallons of water per day.

A total of 600,300 kilowatt hours of electrical energy was used at the water department for all purposes. This was an average of 1,133 kilowatt hours per million gallons. The average hardness of the well water was 19.6 grains per gallon and treated water 4.9 grains per gallon. A total of 542,043,000 gallons was pumped from wells and, as always, no water was pumped from the Cedar river. A garden party becomes a shoot-out on THE AVENGERS, in color Wednesday at 6:30 PM, KCRG-TV 9.

WASHINGTON (AP) The nation's unemployment rate dropped to 3.5 percent of the total labor force in August, touching a 17-year low for the third time in 1968, the labor department said Wednesday. The number of jobless declined 450,000 to 2.8 million, nearly double the expected August drop. unemployment rate once again equaled the Korean warera low reached in January, April and May of this year," the Bureau of Labor Statistics said. At the same time, nonfarm payroll employment climbed 200,000 more than usual to an August high of 68.6 million. When farm workers and the ployed are added, the nation's total of employed in August was 77.4 million.

The August job increases were largely in trade, service jobs and state, and local governments. The drop in umemployment, down from 3.7 percent in July, largely reflected a drop in the number of women and teenagers seeking jobs, the bureau said. A larger number of teen-agers than expected left the labor force in August, either giving up summer jobs or the search for work in preparation for returning to school. Tony Curtis stars in "40 Pounds Of CHANNEL 9 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MOVIE, in color at 8:00 PM. Announcing! Opening of IRENE ILTEN DANCING STUDIO Call 362-2592 for Appointment DURING OUR SEVENTY-FIFTH DOWNTOWN LINDALE PLAZA Caen POCKET MONEY for ladies age 13 to 17 $7.50 Will be given away each week for just registering on our Third Floor, Downtown or Lindale Plaza Teen Department.

No purchase necessary and register as often as you like. A new contest each week with a new winner. Offer good now until Christmas. Drawing will be made every Monday. FREE RODS For a limited time only, Craemer's will give free rods from our regular stock to match your curtain or drapery purchased at regular price, You will receive a rod absolute.

ly free so you can ina stall your curtains or draperies. This offer good for a limited time only. ME EN Craemer's OPEN UNTIL ANNIVERSARY New Stamp -The new Walt Disney six-cent stamp will go on sale Thursday at both the main post office and Federal building station. Magnificent Islander at Tropic Lanes now open. Adv.

Former Resident Dies Mrs. Nolan Theriot, the former Seda, died Tuesday at Garland, Texas, at the age of 52. She is survived by her husband, three children and two grandchildren. Services will be Thursday in Garland. Giftree personalized Christmas cards 10 percent off during September, 700-7th St.

C.R. Man Invited--John Messerli, director of the Title IlI curriculum project of the merged four -county school system, is one of those invited to participate in an advanced seminar sponsored by the American Assn. of School Administrators Sept. 15-17 in Seattle. Beginners Advance knitting classes.

0 Nelson's Meat and Delica-1 tessen featuring Cedar Rapids' finest meats, now has 2 convenient locations to serve Cedar Rapids better. No. 1 store, 3201 1st Ave. SE. No.

2 store 2801 Mt. Vernon Ave. SE. This week's specials: Round steak 79c lb. Nelson's extra lean ground beef Tropic Lanes available for open bowling day and night.

Adv. Bowling. Have openings for small leagues. Tropic Lanes. 363-9653.

Adv. Marijuana Plants In His Flower Pots DALTON, Ga. (AP)-Authorities said they found six marijuana plants growing in flower pots in Paul McCurdy's carport. McCurdy, 32, was arrested Tuesday and charged with possessing marijuana. Discovered T.B.

Discovered T.B. Discovery of the tuberculosis germ was announced in Prof. Robert Koch March 24, 1882. 75 DAILY POSTER SPECIALS Seventy-five years is a long time, be it age, vintage, or in business. Craemer's has been in business for 75 years under the guidance of the Craemer family, with the current guiding hand, Mr.

N. P. Craemer. In appreciation to the Cedar Rapids community and surrounding areas, Craemer's will have 75 days of values. Each day for 75 days we will feature an item from our regular stock at a price you cannot afford to pass up.

These will not be advertised by any media, but will be advertised only by a poster at one of our four front doors. It is our feeling our merchandise that will be offered is a better value than scouring the markets available to look for distress merchandise. Don't forget, make your shopping a real experience by stopping at Craemer's each day starting September 9, for a new unadvertised special that day, and every day for 74 days thereafter. Bold New Plaid Country Junior uses Edwardian elegance in giant Prince of Wales wool plaid for the impact shirt of '68. Black.

Jr. sizes. $2300 DOWNTOWN LINDALE THURS. 9 P.M. I 4 COUNTRY JUNIOR SO had so was a.

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)


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Cost is $25 for online placement plus 50 cents per word and photo charges (see below information for pricing).

Why are Cedar Rapids famous? ›

As the second-largest city in the state, we are: The largest corn-processing city in the world. One of the leading manufacturing regions in the United States. One of the leading bio-processing and food ingredient centers in North America.

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$3.00/week. Billed quarterly or annually. What zip code do you want delivery to?

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  2. Digital subscribers can cancel from their account dashboard.

Who is the editor in chief of the Cedar Rapids Gazette? ›

Zack Kucharski - Executive Editor - The Gazette | Cedar Rapids | LinkedIn.

What percent of Cedar Rapids is white? ›

Racial distribution of Cedar Rapids population: 80.86% are white, 8.65% are Black or African American, 0.18% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 2.69% are Asian, 0.28% are Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 1.31% are some other race and 6.02% are multiracial.

What is Cedar Rapids Iowa nickname? ›

The core idea behind “City of Five Seasons” is that the fifth season is a time to enjoy life and find beauty in every day. Life is the sum of all the seasons with which it is filled. And if we have time to enjoy the things most important to us, life is rich and full indeed. In Cedar Rapids there is time enough …

What are the five smells of Cedar Rapids? ›

This slogan is often satirized by residents as the "City of Five Smells", as a result of the smell combinations in the 1970s from the city's Quaker Oats and Penford factories, a hog slaughterhouse, and the municipal sewage plant and landfill.

What is the average household income in Cedar Rapids Iowa? ›

What are the median and average incomes in Cedar Rapids?
Y-o-Y Change
Average Household Income$88,9817.5%
Median Household Income$66,8955.9%
People below Poverty Level14,8801.6%
People above Poverty Level116,9800.1%

Who owns the Cedar Rapids Gazette? ›

The Gazette is 100% Independent, 100% Employee-Owned.

What is the cost of living in Cedar Rapids Iowa? ›

List of prices in Cedar Rapids, Iowa Current as of Aug 2024.
FoodUpdate prices
Monthly rent for a 45 m2 (480 sqft) furnished studio in normal area$613
Utilities 1 month (heating, electricity, gas ...) for 1 person in 45 m2 (480 sqft) studio$122
Internet 8 mbps (1 month)$40
40” flat screen tv$301
56 more rows

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There are several ways to get your story to us. Read the information below to help you in preparing the story. Then choose one of these options: Bring your press release to the Globe Gazette building at 300 N.

How do I contact the O Cedar Company? ›

Please call us at 1.800. 543.8105 (Tues & Thurs, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. CT). If you are looking to purchase a Genuine O-Cedar telescopic handle for the EasyWring Spin Mop system or RinseClean Spin Mop system, you may find it on and

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.