Learn How to Evaluate a Pitch Deck and How VCs Score (2024)

When seeking investment from venture capitalists (VCs), itiscrucial topresent acompelling pitch deck that highlights your company’s potential for growth and profitability. VCs evaluate numerous factors toassess the viability and attractiveness ofaninvestment opportunity. Byusing anevaluation template like the one provided, entrepreneurs can gain insights into how their pitch deck isscored and assessed byVCs. Let’s delve into the various criteria VCs consider for startup pitch deck evaluation and the importance ofeach.

Pitch Deck Evaluation Based OnSpecified Criteria

When looking athow tocreate apitch deck for VCs, itiscrucial tounderstand how they evaluate investment opportunities. Using the provided evaluation template, you can gain insights into the key criteria VCs consider and the weightage they assign toeach criterion. Byaddressing each criterion effectively inyour pitch deck, you increase your chances ofreceiving afavorable evaluation and securing investment.

Remember tohighlight the strengths ofyour target market, problem orneed, solution, team, traction, competitive advantages, revenue model, strategy, financials, exit opportunity, investment terms, and strategic value todemonstrate the full potential ofyour business.

Itisimportant tonote that while the evaluation template provides astructured approach toscoring, everyVC firm may have its unique investment criteria and priorities. Therefore, itiscrucial toresearch and understand the specific preferences and focus areas ofthe VCs you are targeting.

Target Market:

The target market criterion evaluates the clarity and potential ofyour target market. Isitwell-defined and large? Does itdemonstrate stability orhigh growth potential? Isitahigh-priced niche? VCs assign scores based onhow well you articulate your target market’s characteristics and the potential for your product/service tocapture asignificant market share.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Problem orNeed:

VCs assess the extent towhich your identified problem orneed isreal and sustainable. Isitashort-term trend oragenuine pain point? The higher the score, the more convinced the VCs are about the long-term viability and market demand for your solution.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5


Your solution should beevaluated based onits ability tobebetter, faster, cheaper, orprovide unique value compared toexisting alternatives. Factors such asbrand reputation, quality, efficiency, convenience, and pricing are considered. Ahigher score reflects astrong solution that iscompelling and stands out from competitors.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Team, Board, Advisors:

VCs scrutinize your team’s expertise, industry knowledge, leadership skills, and their ability toexecute the business plan. The presence ofadvisors and board members with relevant experience can also contribute toahigher score. Past successes orfailures can provide insight into the team’s capability toovercome challenges and drive growth.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5


Traction refers tothe progress your company has made interms ofmarket validation and customer adoption. VCs assess factors such asminimum viable product (MVP), customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer return oninvestment (ROI), key metrics, funding raised, revenue generated, and strategic partnerships. Higher scores indicate stronger traction and ademonstrated ability toexecute the business plan.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Competition vs. Competitive Advantages:

VCs evaluate your competition and your competitive advantages. They assess the barriers toentry, differentiation, and sustainability ofyour competitive advantages. Factors such asthe presence ofsimpler alternatives, future obsolescence risks, and intellectual property protections (e.g., patents) are considered. Ahigher score suggests astrong competitive position with sustainable advantages.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Revenue Model:

Your revenue model isassessed based onthe number ofcustomers orunits multiplied bythe price, recurring orone-time revenue, average revenue per user (ARPU), customer lifetime value (LTV), and ways toincrease revenue. VCs also consider the sales cycle and the balance between high prices and volume. Ahigher score reflects awell-defined and lucrative revenue model with potential for growth.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Strategy- Key Expenses/Time Efforts:

This criterion evaluates the cost ofyour product, gross margin improvement opportunities, the cost and time required tomaintain customer relationships and operations, customer acquisition cost (CAC), marketing strategy, and potential improvements. VCs consider the efficiency and effectiveness ofyour business operations and growth strategies. Ahigher score indicates awell-planned strategy with afocus onoptimizing costs and efforts.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5


VCs examine your financials, including annual recurring revenue (ARR), gross and net revenue, gross margins asapercentage ofrevenue, LTV/CAC ratio, monthly burn rate, runway (time until funds run out), and the path toprofitability. They also assess the market penetration required toachieve financial goals. Ahigher score reflects asolid financial foundation and aclear path tosustainable growth.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Exit Opportunity:

The exit opportunity criterion explores potential buyers, the attractiveness ofyour company for acquisition compared tobuilding asimilar business, the potential for aninitial public offering (IPO), exit multiples, and the overall size ofthe potential exit. VCs seek investments that offer aviable exit strategy togenerate returns. Ahigher score indicates astrong likelihood ofalucrative exit.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Investment Terms:

VCs evaluate the investment terms, including the amount offunding sought, pre-and post-money valuations, post-money valuation asamultiple ofrevenues, committed investors, previous funding raised and its terms, and any existing debt. They consider the alignment ofinvestment terms with market standards and the overall attractiveness ofthe deal. Ahigher score suggests favorable investment terms.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Strategic Value:

The strategic value criterion examines how theVC can contribute directly orindirectly toyour company’s success. This includes providing introductions tocustomers, partners, strategic investors, and potential employees. VCs assess the potential for collaboration and synergies. Ahigher score indicates astrong alignment between your company’s goals and the VC’s expertise and network.

Low Score: 1| Average/Unknown: 2| High Score: 3, 4, or5

Final Scoring

Worst Score: 12Criteria x1 = 12

Avg. Score: 12Criteria x3 = 36

Best Score: 12Criteria x5 = 60

Total Score: XX(X%)


When you create apitch deck, ensure that you provide clear and concise information, supported bydata and evidence. Itiscrucial tocommunicate the unique value proposition ofyour product orservice, outline astrong go-to-market strategy, demonstrate asolid understanding ofthe target market, and showcase the capabilities and expertise ofyour team.

Remember, apitch deck isnot just about presenting financial projections and market analysis; itisabout telling acompelling story that captures the attention and interest ofpotential investors. Make sure your pitch deck reflects your passion, vision, and the immense potential ofyour business.

Inconclusion, successfully securing investment from VCs requires awell-crafted pitch deck that effectively addresses the evaluation criteria. Byunderstanding how VCs score and evaluate pitch decks, you can tailor your pitch deck presentation tomeet their expectations and increase your chances ofsecuring the funding needed topropel your business forward. Good luck!

Learn How to Evaluate a Pitch Deck and How VCs Score (2024)
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