Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (2024)

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (1)

Hustlers Universityhas been rebranded and upgraded to The Real World.

Read my in-depth The Real World Review to get up-to-date information about Andrew Tate’s online course platform, or view my summary below 👇.

The Real World (TRW)



Master the skills you need tomaximize your income with a network of 200,000+ people.


  • Cheap price compared to other online courses
  • A positive community and learning environment
  • Tons of high-quality content for different skills
  • Regular live Q&As with the professors
  • Personalised accountability through teamwork
  • Regular challenges for personal growth


  • Busy place with a lot going on all the time
  • Easy to get information overload

Bottom Line: Aside from the controversy of Andrew Tate, The Real World is a genuine platform driven by successful individuals, teaching you all about money in a thriving community.

Try The Real World

Although the principles and what you can expect are the same as before, there are massive changes that you’ll want to know about.

Table of Contents

If you’re looking for a way to make passive income or extra money online, you’ve probably heard about Andrew Tate’s Hustlers University 3.0(formerly Hustlers University 2.0 and 1.0).

It’s Andrew’s online program on Discord servers that teaches a bunch of modernwealth creation methods.

Naturally, you want to know whether it’s just another influencer scamor if it teaches real business ventures and legit high income skills.

I’ve been a student for over 6+ months, andI can actually disclose what you can expect to get if you decide totry Hustlers University without any of the hype.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (3)

And let me clear the air right away; Hustlers University is not a scam.

Otherwise, I would not pay for it every month; who would with any common sense?

And thousands of other students feel the exact same way.

In fact, over 60.000 other people vouch for HU3 just in the copywriting campus alone (there are multiple campuses) 👇.

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Most scamsare always priced at something like $997 or $1997. You can join hustlers universityfor a low price to prove a point.

👉The point is that you don’t need 5 years of university degree and 300k in debt to learn legit high-income business, marketing, and sales skills.

In this Hustlers University review,I’ll go over exactly:

  • What you’re getting.
  • What you should expect.
  • How to quit if you so choose.
  • If people are actually making any money.

But before that, there are a ton of questionsfloating around that people desperately want answers to.

So before we dive into the review in more detail, let’s sort them out first.

What Is Hustlers University?

Hustlers University 2.0 is an online learning environment hosted on a communication platform known as Discord.

They have educational content, lots of videos, offer practical advice, and give you access to a variety of online business courses.

They have since upgraded toThe Real Worldwith a custom built online learning platform similar to Skool (made by digital entrepreneur Sam Ovens).

This is an exciting new upgrade for HU, as Discord has its limitations.

The Real World and the new custom build platform launched in November.

Is Hustlers University Still Open?

Yes! Hustlers Universityis still openand has never closed down. It’s an active and thriving community with thousands of students.

Is Hustlers University Legit?

Yes, Hustlers University is a legitimate environment for learning anything from basic business ideas to how to start a long-term business and earn online money through various ventures.

Hustlers University is a registered LLC with a payment processor, thousands of monthly paying customers, and frequent student success stories.

Is Hustlers University a Monthly Payment?

Like Netflix, Spotify, and other online marketing tools, Hustlers University has an ongoing monthly subscription pricing of $49/mo.

You can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting the HU2 support.

How Do People Make Money From Hustlers University?

People make money from a variety of trending online business programs that you can learn about in detail, which are:

  • Copywriting
  • Freelancing
  • E-commerce dropshipping
  • Amazon FBA
  • Stocks
  • Crypto

Each has its separate campus area with a leading dedicated professor that teaches the individual business model.

Who is Hustler’s University for?

Anyone that wants to:

  • Learn high income skills.
  • Learn how to monetize skills that are in demand.
  • Start some kind of online business.
  • Make a side income that can turn into a full time income.

What Is The Official Checkout Page For Buying Hustlers University? is the official Hustlers University page, and HU2.appis the official checkout page.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (5)

Hustler’s University Alternatives?

Hustlers University has a unique education platform with a social chat platform that not many other online programs use.

And if you’re still skeptical about Andrew Tate, other alternatives exist to make an extra $5k/month.

Blog Growth Engineis alegit example of one of the best blogging courses. It teaches you how to start a profitable blog with affiliate programs as the primary revenue driver.

Just be mindful that it costs 30x more than Hustlers University, so HU3 might be a good starting point if you’re tight on cash.

The HU3 Product Update

Hustlers University is undergoing massive upgrades, and according to them, it’s a 3-year-long roadmap to become the best learning platform on the internet.

⎷ A new custom platform is being built for Hustlers University. No more Discord once it’s live.

⎷ New study materials, video lessons, and tons of content are being revamped.

⎷ Early morning live stream power-ups to get you in a world champion mindset for work.

⎷ New quizzes are added to expand your knowledge through repetitive learning.

⍻ Hustlers University WILL increase the price once the upgrades are complete.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (6)

Your price is secured as long as you have an active membership before the price increase.

Don’t complain if you thought about getting HU2but missed the boat when it’s upgraded.

Hustlers University Review

There are MANYget-rich-quick scheme programs out there promising you’ll make money on day one with some outdated business model.

They promise the world but deliver nothing while charging you thousands of dollars (a price tag of $1997 is very common).

With this in mind, you’re probably reading thisHustlers Universityreview for a few different reasons:

  • You’re unsure if the monthly subscription fee is worth the money or a waste.
  • You’re afraid that the Hustler University campus is a scam, multi-level marketing scheme, or fraud by affiliates.
  • You don’t believe that HU 2.0 is useful for beginners or that you can make a chunk of money.

And I fully understand your worries, as Andrew Tate’s socials blew up on TikTok, YouTube videos, and even the mainstream news just to be de-platformed across the board.

However, while the media is twisting and turning everything out of context, one fact remains:

Why on earth would thousands of individuals, guys or girls, pay monthly for something if it was not valuable?

For example, you probably subscribe to things like Netflix, Spotify, or YouTube Premium. This is no different.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (7)

People and the media are throwing around words like “it’s a scam” or “it’s a pyramid scheme” because doing that gets a lot of attention and clicks (it’s marketing and sales tactics).

I’m not going to do that.

I’ll simply show you that it’s a cool place to learn new stuff, that others think the same, and that the stuff is well worth $50 a month.

People love being part of a community that actively helps you to learn new skills, make more money, and become a better person.

There is something powerful when a group of like-minded creators all come together with a common goal.

Maybe you’ve come across similar pictures scattered across other websites and social media.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (8)

It’s a screenshot of a student who posted the commission he made through basic affiliate marketing training. Unreal, right?

Here are some more from people that are making a killing in a lot of different ways.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (9)
Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (10)
Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (11)
Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (12)

That’s what you get when you get direct access to multiple millionaires willing to coach people.

The professors, as they like to be called, are genuine, real-life professionals.

Most members are young and intelligent, with a huge net worth and millions in the bank. And they all make their own money from the skills that they teach.

Never before have so many world-class millionaires been gathered in one single place.

All are hand-picked by Andrew Tate, teaching what they know to you LIVE.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (13)

This is an entirelynew systemthat I haven’t seen anywhere else.

“Money Isn’t Real”…

Regular subscribers are cashing in MONTHLY salaries in a WEEK or less…

I see this all the time, which motivates me to keep working and crushing it together with them.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (14)

Hustlers Universityis as real as it gets, giving you the crucial mindset to get a cash flow going as fast as humanly possible.

Anyone can learn high-income skills that require $0 cash to start with, only access to HU2, a dedication to learning, and the internet.

What if I told you that many people post screenshots of their earnings like these in the hundreds?

Every. Single. Day.

It’s physically impossible for me to attach a single day’s worth of screenshots to this blog post because the number of updates and comments is through the roof.

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Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (16)
Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (17)

So by now, you’ve undeniably seen that:

  1. People just like you and me are crushing it.
  2. Most make their initial investment back.
  3. You get to learn advice from friggin millionaires!

These things alone should prove thatHustlers Universityis legit and not run by scammers.

HU2 has over 100,000+ students! Can all of them be wrong?

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (18)

But I get it. You still have your doubts, as we all have.

You probably have thoughts that this can’t be you. Maybe the students already inside are the exception and super intelligent, right?

The problem has nothing to do with you or your circ*mstances.

It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 and living at home in Romania or 36 and working a real estate job.

The real problem is this. You’ve been taught or “programmed” with:

  • The wrong information.
  • By the wrong group of people.

Society doesn’t want you to have financial freedom and a free lifestyle.

To succeed and act however you want. To crush it in life and all fields of endeavor.

Society wants you to sit down, raise your hand, and ask permission to exist.

It doesn’t want you to have dreams, supercars, friends, a mansion, lots of energy, or even experiences.

This has been the case for as long as you can remember and as soon as you started school.

And it follows you to your 9-5 slave job if you’re old enough.

The education is bullsh*t, and as a result, your mind is filled with meaningless distractions.

Knowledge from the right group of people is the key.

Who do you think has that knowledge? Your school teachers? (lol).

Absolutely, if you want to stay broke and miserable like them in a failing economy headed for recession.

Instead, what if you had personalaccess to expertswho know the secrets to actual wealth creation and business ventures?

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Why would you struggle for years and fail miserably when the solution already exists here and now?

You have the chance to jump on this opportunity that can change your life for real.

But honestly, I have no idea how long they will keep the price at $49.

Who knows when they might close the doors entirely, or just 10x the price due to the massive value inside?

Andrew Tate (or his brother) can decide from one day to the next that he doesn’t want more students.

I’m already in, but how about you?

There is so much immense value, knowledge, mindset, opportunities, and lessons inside that you can’t afford to miss out on.

Golden nuggets are lying everywhere on the floor, and you just have to pick them up.

I’ve never seen a faster return on my investment from any other course.

And this is also lesson #1 taught at Hustlers University, SPEED!

If I can do it, so can you, as many others have.

How Does Hustlers University Work?

It’s pretty straightforward, even if you’re brand new.

Hustlers Universityis hosted on a Discord channel, a community-based platform where people can talk, chat, and hang out, and you’ll find the training course there.

Networking is key, and they chose this environment for a reason.

Other online courses usually have a series of videos with filler content and a generic Facebook group. That is the formula.

Hustlers University 2.0 is different.

To learn effectively and take action, you need to be able to talk with other people effortlessly.

Students help each other out, and you can ask questions or chat directly with your mentors.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (20)

You’ll learn where to find the lessons and resources, how to open up specific channels, and more.

Hustlers Universityis structured to “download” the professor’s brain straight to you in the shortest time frame possible.

There is ZERO fluff—only effort and action is required.

They teach people about wealth creation and get them on the right path.

Hustlers University Pricing

The pricing is extremely simple, Hustlers University costs $49 per month for as long as you’re a member, and you can quit anytime.

There are no hidden fees, upsells, or promotions inside.

For $49 per month, you have access to a thriving community on Discord, all of the lessons, and direct access to the professors who are your mentors.

They are all verified by Andrew Tate and have a multi-millionaire status.

These are genuine, real-life people crushing it in life, and you get access to ask specific questions directly to them.

How many multi-millionaires do you speak to daily in your current environment? Probably zero.

You’ll have to pay the monthly subscription, fill in your credit card details, and you’re in!

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (21)

Once you’ve got your welcome emails and installedDiscordon your computer, you’re ready to begin (it also works in your browser).

Simply head into the “Start-here” intro tutorial section and follow along.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (22)

You’ll be guided through a series of tutorials (both written and videos) where the professors will help you determine your current situation.

They’ll figure out the best possible action for you to take to start generating cash as soon as possible.

They do this through the “Cash-Flow Quadrant” to determine if you’re cash-poor or time rich.

Once you’ve gone through this, you’ll know exactly what profession (skill) you should learn and master.

  • Think of it as an RPG game; you select a hero (this is you).
  • Pick a profession/skill (your money-making machine).
  • Head out on an adventure (take action)

“Teach a man how to fish, and he will never go hungry again.”

This is what Hustlers University aims to do, teach you the money-making skills to turn your monthly salary into a weekly income.

Of course, this weekly income soon explodes into much more as every modern money-making skill taught is scalable.

Final Verdict: Is Hustlers University Worth It?

This is a highly subjective question, and you will have to make your own decision after reading Hustlers University reviews in detail.

But to put things into perspective: what do you really have to lose?

The $49 per month price? The same price as the last Xbox game you bought.

How about the upside?

Limitless income through hard-earned skills where you’ll never have to go to a dead-end job ever again.

It’s up to you.

Either you’ll:

  • “Think about it,” which is typical procrastination. Sorry.
  • You keep on mindlessly reading ten more reviews and fall asleep.
  • Or you take a real-life opportunity staring you right in the face and start crushing it in life.

So there you have it. I genuinely hope that thisHustlers University 2.0review was of help to you.

I’ve tried to keep it as concise as possible without fluff, hype, or sales tactics—just a simple walkthrough of what you should expect.

Will I see you inside?

Hustlers University FAQs

Does what they teach inside Hustlers University 2.0 work?

Each section in Hustlers University 2.0, whether it is copywriting, freelancing, crypto, etc., has a dedicated channel where students can share their progress and success.

And it’s insane that every day, students are crushing it and backing it up with real screenshots.

I mainly joined Hustler’s University to learn about crypto from professionals and clean up my investing portfolio (a disaster before I joined).

In my first weeks, I made some quick scalping wins by trading with the knowledge I got.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (23)

Just one trade paid for 4.7 months of the Hustlers University 2.0 membership. This is truly a one-of-a-kind type of course, and I’ve been through a few.

Below you’ll find fresh screenshots from different sections within Hustler’s University.

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Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (25)
Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (26)
Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (27)
Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (28)
Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (29)

These are all real people making money daily.

You can’t fake this stuff.

What should I expect going into Hustlers university?

So here is the truth you need to be fully aware of, as there is probably some confusion around how making money online works.

1. You won’t magically print money with zero effort

Some people seem to believe that just joining a course, a program, or reading about how to make money online is enough to add numbers to your bank account magically.

That is a skewed view of how reality works.

Hustlers University 2.0 will teach you everything you need to know about making money online.

However, you still need to be a student, sit down and learn, try to do it yourself, take action, and fail along the way, eventually until you succeed.

All the help is there, but it won’t be done for you.

2. You won’t make money today, but maybe in a few weeks

I saw a comment from a guy in the community who joined with his last few bucks and NEEDED to make money TODAY.

If this is you, then don’t join. Your immediate priority should be to fix your sh*t, get a job, and do Hustlers University on the side.

Nothing good will ever come from a position of NEEDINESS.

Picking a business model and making money online is possible in a short period, but it still takes work, effort, time, and SKILL.

3. You will be learning skills that take time to learn.

There are some incredibly wealthy and skillful mentors at Hustlers University, and they all seem to have one thing in common.

They are all extremely skilled at what they do. The skills they have today are the results of YEARS of effort in the field.

Just like a swordsmith apprentice who starts out with his craft, it will take him time to become good at it.

Most likely, he will be utterly useless at first. But his mentor is there to guide him on the correct path.

Hustlers University 2.0 works the same way. They teach people the SKILLS to make serious money.

YOU need to take the TIME and EFFORT to make it happen.

As Andrew Tate quotes, you deserve precisely everything that you have today. If that is a miserable and boring life, then you’re probably skilled at that.

Time for a mindset shift.

What Do They Teach In Hustlers University?

The entire university is on a community-driven platform called Discord, and each individual business model has its own campus.

The onboarding process is professionally made, with proper introductions, material to go through, choices to be made, channels to unlock, and quizzes to answer, all step by step.

They have intentionally structured the program to gently introduce you to the environment, establish where you are in life right now, and what potential money-making methods best suit your situation.

This is done through the Time/Cash quadrant to give you the best possible start.

Once you’ve determined the best skill for making money online, you’ll unlock the channels specific to that skill.

Hustlers University 2.0 is ENORMOUS. There is so much information, wisdom, and golden nuggets everywhere that you will instantly be hit with information overload if you venture around.

That is why the onboarding is done this way, as the professors suggest that you only pick ONE SKILL, work on that skill, master it, and make money as fast as possible before you start adding more to it.

So what are the skills that you can pick and choose from? It depends. Some require money, while others require nothing, and this will depend on your time/cash quadrant:

  • Copywriting
  • Freelancing
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Stocks and Option trading
  • Amazon FBA, Print on Demand, Publishing, etc.
  • E-commerce

It’s impossible to do multiple things at once as each section is so massive, so pick one skill that fits your situation and go from there. You wouldn’t start five legitimate business ventures at once, right?

Once you start navigating your category, you’ll familiarize yourself with the mentors (or professors), the resources, the video lectures, FAQs, cheat sheets, AMAs, and more.

You’lllearn from professionalsthat are in the field doing what they teach.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (30)

I went deep into the crypto rabbit hole, and the lectures that I went through are on par with an actual University level degree (speaking from experience as an engineer).

Who is Emory Andrew Tate III?

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (31)

I won’t elaborate too much on Andrew Tate, his life story of how he rose from a UK council estate, or how he became a multi-millionaire with webcam studios, or his kickboxer career. You can watch interviews on YouTube.

But what I am going to share is that Andrew Tate:

  • Does not need your money from what Hustlers University 2.0 produces in terms of revenue. He has plenty of other businesses, and this is a drop in the bucket for him.
  • Is surprisingly off-hand when it comes to Hustler’s University. Instead, he has hired a network of professionals, the professors who will be your mentors.
  • Everyone genuinely respects “Cobra Tate.”

So what is his plan with Hustler’s University?

From what I’ve picked up, he wants you to become financially successful, so you can join the War Room later.

He wants to be surrounded by elite-level men who help each other out. And the first step is to get YOU rich and understand how wealth creation really works.

The money you make from HU2 will pay for the War Room, and it’s set up to be a Win-Win situation for both.

What Happened With Andrew Tate?

Andrew “Cobra” Tate’s social media blew up to unheard of proportions through the aid of his affiliate marketing campus, and social media platforms de-platformed him entirely after that event.

How Did Tate Get Rich?

Andrew Tate tried a lot of business ideas, and his first breakthrough came with a webcam business.

He later pivoted to other legitimate businesses, created online video lessons, started his own educational business (Hustlers University 2.0), and has other undisclosed online business projects.

When did Hustlers University Come Out?

Andrew Tate launched Hustlers University in 2021.

How do people make money from Hustlers University?

People make their money from a lot of different skills that they learn, such as:

  • Creating promotional videos for clients.
  • Email Copywriting.
  • Twitter ghostwriting.
  • Creating educational content with an affiliate link on social media platforms.
  • Freelancing with a lot of different gigs like video editing, making promo video etc.
  • Ecom, Shopify and Amazon stores.
  • Trading crypto, investments, forming business statements for clients.


Chief Editor & Growth Expert

Chris writes for men about what to know and how to be a high-value man and networking with high-net-worth individuals. Chris guides readers on men’s business, men’s home office, men’s performance, men’s accessories, and the best products for men to craft a timeless style. Whether you’re already a high net-worth man seeking your next luxury watch or a young G who wants a lifestyle upgrade, Chris connects men with the resources needed to elevate life as a man.

Hustlers University Review (Insights From A REAL HU2 Student) (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.