Hero Remnant Academia - Chapter 19 - ShadowJoestar (2024)

Chapter Text

Rose Slashing Electricity Plus Gizmo Match

The battle ring of tournament appears to be all clear with the giant chunk of ice made by Shoto when he was just expression his anger has finally been cleared up.

“Welcome back to the finales, everyone!” Present Mic greeted loudly.

“Sorry for that long wait. The insane amount of ice from the second match has finally been cleared though, so it’s time to welcome the new competitors!” Present Mic announced.

The four fire pillars burst up from each edge of the ring like in the first match.

“Even beautiful roses have thorns, and this one is the little rose with mighty thorns. It’s Ruby Rose from Class 1-A of the Hero Course!” Present Mic announced.

“(I’m going to do my best in this match!)” Ruby thought determined with a strong look in her silver eyes.

“Versus the boy with the electric personality! Another hero in the making and from the same class, Denki Kaminari!” Present Mic introduced.

Both Ruby and Denki walk onto the fighting stage at the same time looking determined to win this match and move on to the next round as the crowd cheers for them.

“Keep those eyes peeled. I wanna see a super-flashy battle this time!” Present Mic excited.

“Oh yeah, I’m going to show the world what Ruby Rose can do!” Ruby excited.

“Do you think she remembers that she’s fighting WITHOUT her weapon?” Weiss asked.

“Come on, we’ve prepared her for this very moment to fight hand-to-hand for the past two weeks. She got this!” Yang believed with a confident smile.

“Oh yeah, and why does she look like she’s sweating through her clothes?” Blake asked, noticing the leader of RWBY is shaking up a little.

Ruby is now shaking up like a vibrating tool and started to form a little sweat from her forehead with a cracked nervous smile and one eye twitching.

“(Oh Remnant f*ck! Why am I doing this without my Crescent Rose, I always fight awesome with my baby and now I don’t have her with me!)” Ruby thought freaked out and her hands are opening and closing rapidly.

“Huh, I don’t know what she is doing, but she must be stroke about the fight. Too bad I’m gonna be winning this one.” Denki smirked.

Ruby continues panicking from within for a few more seconds until she had enough of herself and smacked herself on the face to snap herself out of this.

“Come on, this is NOT the time to be freaking out! You trained with your team and Izuku for this, you have to do this for your beloved Deku!” Ruby talked to herself strongly.

“What!? My beloved… Where did I even get an idea like that?!” Ruby gasped with her face turning red.

“Okay, okay, worry about your weird crush on Izuku later. Right now, you got a friend to fight against and win!” Ruby grinned.

“Okay, are you two ready to fight because we’re about to start the match.” Present Mic alerted the two combatants.

“Hey, I hope you don’t mind if we hang out later. We could share a moment with some sweets.” Denki tried to ask Ruby out on a date.

“Hanging out would be cool, but Yang warned me to be careful around you.” Ruby said.

“(Ouch, the blonde brawler doesn’t think I’m trustworthy!)’ Denki thought flinched in pain.

“Begin!” Present Mic announced the start of the match.

“Here I come!” Ruby charged forward at Denki.

Ruby may still have some rough edges with her fighting skills as she still struggles with the art, but she can still put up a decent fight as she jumps and goes down for a punch to Denki’s face.

“Not so fast!” Denki smirked as he coated his entire body in electricity.

Ruby gasps upon seeing this and suddenly uses her Semblance on instinct to move around Denki then lands behind him and close to the white line.

“Oh crap, that was too close!” Ruby panted a bit.

“Sorry about doing this to a cutie like you, but I need to get myself a win to make it to the top!” Denki struck a pose with one finger pointing up and his body covered in electricity again, but this time more intense.

“Be careful, Ruby!” Yang called out.

“You guys have dodge lighting before, right?” Izuku asked.

“We have been training to the best of our abilities before going to our old school, even training our speed.” Weiss explained.

“Wow, you guys must’ve really been pushing yourselves to get this fair.” Mina impressed.

“But weren’t you worried about using your Quirks without permission or at home?” Eijiro asked.

“Don’t worry, the rules are different than here with being able to train with our Quirk anywhere as long as it’s safe.” Blake explained, another lie that is also true with Remnant being different than this world.

“Oh man, you’re so lucky to live in a place like that.” Rikido admitted.

“Ribbit. I heard the only place you’re allowed to use your Quirks in public is I-Island.” Tsuyu mentioned.

“I-Island, could you perhaps tell me about it?” Weiss asked curiously.

“Look, Kaminari is about to attack Ruby again!” Mezo alerted as everyone look to the fight again.

“Alright, here I come, and you won’t be able to stop me this time!” Denki smirked.

“But I haven’t done anything to you yet.” Ruby pointed out.

“Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!” Denki unleashed his giant wave of electricity on the floor, and it flows right for Ruby.

Ruby can see the electricity coming at her as everything feels like they’re going in slow-motion.

Ruby smirks and bursts up using her Petal Burst Semblance to dodge the electricity and flowing around the electric attack almost like she’s flying.

“Whoa! I figured Ruby was gonna have to find a way to get around Kaminari’s electricity, but I wasn’t expecting her to fly around him!” Present Mic shocked of excitement.

“Ruby did mention that her Quirk makes her feel like she’s flying, and now we’re seeing it with our own eyes.” Shota looked carefully at the red-black hair girl, thinking her Quirk might be going through a certain change.

“It’s still amazing that Ruby can use her Quirk to fly like that.” Izuku complimented.

“Are you positive that her Quirk is speed because that appears to be more then simply than going fast.” Tenya surprised, seeing how Ruby is still soaring in the air.

“What can I say? My sister is one of a kind.” Yang smirked, crossing her arms under her breasts.

“Oh please, that little bud will be ashes by me if I’ll even get to fight her in the tournament.” Katsuki bragged with a fierce yet soft glare stare.

“You’ll have to get through me first.” Yang glared with her eyes changing red again.

Three more seconds later the electricity stops and Ruby lands back on the ground.

“Nice try, lightning boy, but now you’re… you’re… making a goofy face.” Ruby puzzled.

Ruby was not expecting to see Denki making such a weird and goofy face that it’s almost like his brain has been short circuit and has been shut down, he even has his thumbs up too.

“Denki, are you alright?” Ruby asked concern.

“Is that something we should know?” Weiss asked Izuku.

“Kaminari’s Quirk is very powerful that he can release it all at once, but overusing his Quirk can cause his brain to fry like crazy and… he ends up like that.” Izuku explained.

“I don’t know what this is about, but I do know this is my chance!” Ruby got herself in the running position.

Ruby bursts at Denki at blinding speed dragging the dumb Denki very close to the white line of the ring and threw the strongest uppercut she can muster to send him right out of the ring.

“Denki Kaminari has been ring-out! The winner of this battle is… Ruby Rose!” Midnight declared.

“Yes!” Ruby cheered as she jumps high in the air.

“Amazing, just when I thought the little red rose wasn’t gonna be done for back there, she managed to pull off something crazy and won her match!” Present Mic excited.

“She was able to act fast, I’ll give her that much. Shota commented.

“Yes, that’s my sister!” Yang amazed.

(With Mt. Lady)

“Huh, that girl sure knows how to take an opportunity like that.” Mt. Lady impressed with that kid.

“Hey Kamui Woods, didn’t you think that girl was something?” Mt. Lady asked another Pro Hero who has been assigned as security for the UA Sports Festival.

“Sorry, I was busy patrolling. But I gotta say, that girl who made her way through sure is something.” Kaumi Woods looked at the giant screen seeing Ruby smile.

Kaumi Woodd is a young man with a rather muscular build, standing relatively shorter than other high-ranked Pro Heroes. Underneath his helmet, he has puffy red leaf-like hair, though his face has remained unseen since he has only been shown while wearing his mask. His hero costume is a dark blue bodysuit that includes a wooden belt, wooden knee pads, and wooden shoes. A small bundle of roses hangs from the left side of his belt.

“Hey, you know, I remember seeing one of those kids during the obstacle race. I think it was the one with the vine hair, she would make a perfect sidekick for you.” Mt. Lady recalled seeing Ibara.

“Oh, I think I saw her.” Kaumi Woods tried to remember that girl.

“She looks good for your brand. You need someone cute.” Mt. Lady commented.

“Just get back to work.” Kaumi Woods annoyed of this woman.

“I sure hope that Midoriya kid do well.” Mt. Lady said.

“Midoriya? Oh, the boy from the sludge villain incident. Hard to believe that young man really came to UA and already show his potential of being a great hero.” Kaumi Woods remembered that boy.

“Maybe I could give him my number.” Mt. Lady smiled.

“Like I said, back to work.” Kasumi Woods deadpanned.

(With Izuku and Other Students)

While the Pro heroes were admiring how Ruby was able to keep herself airborne from Denki’s attack and how she was able to beat him with a single strike, Izuku is doing his usual thing with his hero notebook writing down everything.

“There goes Izuku again, mumbling with his brain going overdrive.” Blake pointed out.

“Let’s hope he doesn’t fry his brain like Denki did.” Yang chuckled.

“Deku, maybe you should take a sec to relax before planning too many matches ahead.” Ochaco advised which snaps Izuku out of his train of thoughts.

“Oh, sorry! Sometimes I don’t realize I’m talking out loud when I’m taking notes.” Izuku apologized.

“It’s fine, we’re use to that and it’s pretty cute too.” Yang complimented, making Izuku blush.

“W-Well, it’s not every day I get to see incredible Quirks from people outside our class!” Izuku said.

“Yeah, it’s pretty awesome of how you like to study other people’s powers. Even ours.” Ruby said as she zooms herself up to her classmates.

“Great fight out there, Ruby! You really ride the electric waves!” Yang punned, everyone groans to that pun.

“Uh, actually… I’ve been taking notes on everybody in our class too! Here, I even got you and your Quirk, Uraraka!” Izuku showed the page to Ochaco.

Ochaco gasp upon seeing that Izuku made an analysis on herself and her Zero Gravity Quirk that made her feel happy in a way.

“You know, Deku, I’ve always known that you’re amazing. You got so much drive and focus in you, and the sports festival’s reminding me of that.” Ochaco chuckled smiling.

“I totally agree, that’s the kind of thing to get you going to become a great hero!” Yang amazed with one arm around his neck.

“Let’s keep pumpin’ out these hits and move on! Time for the fourth match!” Present Mic shouted with excitement.

“Get ready to watch two new players duke it out!” Present Mic said and the audience cheers loud and exciting.

“he’s the kid with engines in his legs. Tenya Iida from the Hero Course! Versus… a fully equipped gadget dynamo. The support course’s Mei Hatsume!” Present Mic introduced the two students as they are standing on the fighting stage.

“So, it’s hero class vs support.” Kyoka surprised to see this kind of match up happening.

“I have no idea what this fight will look like.” Tsuyu said.

“I’m too excited to see what kind of cool gadgets and gizmos Mei is gonna use!” Ruby excited with steam puffing out of her nose.

“Yeah, speaking of gizmos… What’s with Iida?” Rikido asked, noticing Tenya just stripes on a gadget on his back.

“Where the heck did he get all that weird gear from?” Hanta gasped.

“How odd, I don’t remember seeing Tenya carrying such equipment.” Weiss said then look toward Mei.

“Hero course students can’t use support gear unless they have to. And you didn’t fill out any of the proper paperwork for that.” Midnight informed this to the shocked Tenya.

“I didn’t know that was the rule! Aoyma got to wear his belt, so I thought it was fine.” Tenya said.

“He turned in the proper forms.” Midnight mentioned.

“Oh, now it all makes sense with you.” Weiss turned to Yuga who smiles at her with a wink.

“I apologize, ma’am.” Tenya apologized with a bow.

“It just that, my heart was moved by my opponent’s sportsmanship. Even though she’s from the support course, she wanted this to be as even a match as possible since she made it this far. To have a fair fight! So, she offered to give me this equipment.” Tenya explained in a respectful and moved tone, he clutches his hands.

“I respect her integrity. That’s why, to honor her, I would like to wear this gear!” Tenya declared full heartedly and such.

“Such youthful vigor!” Midnight amazed and giggled lustfully.

“I’ll allow it!” Midnight said with her whip pointed at Tenya.

“Wait, really?” Present Mic shocked and the crowd is also shocked and excited.

“I guess if everyone’s in agreement, then it’s okay. Right?” Shota stated, though still not entirely sure of what to make of this.

“Hey Izuku, Ochaco, Fumikage, you three were partners with her during the calvary battle. Did she ever showed to be this… generous and giving people handicaps?” Blake asked curiously.

“I’m… not really sure, the girl was always bragging about her support gears and bragging about how they work and such.” Ochaco recalled on how Mei was.

“She only seems to care about making her “babies” known by the other support gear companies and she only joined Midoriya because of him being the biggest target getting the most attention.” Fumikage stated.

“Yeah, this doesn’t seem like something Hatsume would do. Unless… it’s something for herself.” Izuku feared that Tenya may come to regret this as he noticed Mei giggling with a grin.

“Well, if everyone’s on the same page, let’s begin the fourth match!” Present Mic announced.

Tenya charges forward to begin his attack on Mei though he still has no idea on what these support gears do, but he’ll have to figure that out along the way.

But what’s about to happen next is him falling into Mei’s trap.

“Bet you love how fast that ger makes you, huh, Iida?” Mei asked, speaking into the mic.

“Is Mei wearing speakers?” Yang asked.

“Sounds like it.” Blake said with her cat ears twitching.

“Don’t your legs feel lighter than usual? That’s to be expected. I designed those leg parts specifically to increase the wearer’s speed and mobility.” Mei explained about the leg gear.

“But of course…”

Just when Tenya got close enough to deliver the first blow against Mei, she suddenly went up by a metal pole from her backpack making her move and Tenya trip on the pole.

“I can easily evade you with my hydraulic attachments!” Mei said and looks up at the seating boxes.

“(Those are boxes for support companies. They love my babies! I’ve got this in the bag!)” Mei mentally squealed with excitement to see some businessmen of some support companies. This is all thanks to her Quirk Zoom which allows her to see everything far away up to five kilometers.

“Since I’ve got sensors in every direction, it’s impossible for an opponent to sneak up on me.” Mei explained with her gear evading Tenya’s attempted attack.

“Oh man! I can’t believe Tenya just found himself becoming a testing dummy to show off her gears!” Yang laughed.

“I feel really bad for Iida. Ribbit.” Tsuyu said.

“Hmm, that girl doesn’t hold back when it comes to gadgets.” Weiss interested in Mei’s mind and gear.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

The electrifying battle with Ruby and Denki was something to be expected for the rose girl to win even without her weapons and a little luck helped too, but poor Tenya has gotten himself to being use as a way to make Mei known to the support gear companies.

I saw the final episode of RWBY Volume 10 and it was AWESOME! Everything was great with the fighting, the revealing, and the ending was a great way to end the volume. Better go see that episode if you want to feel that awesomeness!

KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!

Hero Remnant Academia - Chapter 19 - ShadowJoestar (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.